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Poll: What would you do?
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 09:31 PM // 21:31   #81
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Assuming I'd still be playing, yes, I would recreate my Assassin and get him back to his former glory as soon as possible and before starting anything else.
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 09:36 PM // 21:36   #82
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I'd probably make a warrior if my dervish got deleted, same sort of play style, different skill set, just make things a little different. I'd get way too bored doing everthing again exactly the same way.

Then I'd probably give up and start playing a new game once I realised just how much time I would need to spend getting back to where I was.
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 10:08 PM // 22:08   #83
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I would go crash my car into a lake. Pic related.

....Not! I wouldn't give a crap. PvP chars = win.
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 10:09 PM // 22:09   #84
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I would just stop playing.
so coookkkkieeesss!!! (or pudding....whichever should be in the poll and isnot)
where is the 'all you can eat' cookie bar?
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 10:18 PM // 22:18   #85
Desert Nomad
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Honestly, I'd have to think long and hard about playing at all. I'll have 30 maxed titles on my ele soon, some of them were real grindfests. I've never put much effort into any other characters because I have no desire to repeat any of the games like that (if I want to redo it, I can go on my ele and redo it) I would probably take a LONG break and decide if I wanted to put any more effort into GW, and quite frankly in that time I'd probably find another game and get hooked on it and play that instead of ever coming back (maybe even WOW )
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 10:43 PM // 22:43   #86
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Go for choice 4 and uninstall.
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 10:45 PM // 22:45   #87
Frost Gate Guardian
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I would probably just play PvP and ignore the PvE side of the game.
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 11:19 PM // 23:19   #88
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I would recreate my main for reserving the name and so no one else can use it or them.I don't know if I could go through all 3 campaigns and eotn again.I would do just the one I like or that are in HoM

@6am3 Fana71.That Charger needs paint jop if it is a 69 paint it Orange with 01 on door and star and bars on roof with dixie horns.don't worry the Dukes put thiers in lake all the time.

Last edited by Age; Apr 10, 2008 at 11:34 PM // 23:34..
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 11:21 PM // 23:21   #89
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Add another poll option please mods...

I would quit Guild Wars.
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 11:22 PM // 23:22   #90
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If i lost all my characters I would Quit........and just break down and pay for WOW, i told myself i would never pay to play online, but after all the work i have done in GW, if i was to lose every thing i WOULD 100% Quit.
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 11:23 PM // 23:23   #91
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Irk o.0 ... I seriously don't know if I would have the courage to start all over again from scratch... lol

If it did happen tho, I'd probably take a few months break, come back and make a para para hunk and make him my main
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 11:27 PM // 23:27   #92
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If my warrior was deleted, I'd probably make an elementalist or necromancer.
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Old Apr 10, 2008, 11:59 PM // 23:59   #93
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There aren't many choices I would just stop playing.
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Old Apr 11, 2008, 12:10 AM // 00:10   #94
Frost Gate Guardian
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I didn't vote, because none apply to me. PvE, for me personally, has really lost its luster. GW2 for me is even in question. I am in a sort of MMO hiatus.

The reason why I didn't vote is because all I do anymore is PvP with my guild. If my characters were deleted, I'd probably mourn over my paragon with FoW, my first ever main (warrior, lol) and a bunch of other very fond memories this game has given me, but I would continue to PvP.
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Old Apr 11, 2008, 12:48 AM // 00:48   #95
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There would probably be a ten minute moment, then I would move on with my life and most likely quit guild wars. (assuming it was my account and not a single character only)
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Old Apr 11, 2008, 01:12 AM // 01:12   #96
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I would remake my old level 5 paragon and my old level 14 ranger. I always wanted to make one of those, but I didn't want to buy more slots or delete old characters.
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Old Apr 11, 2008, 01:16 AM // 01:16   #97
Desert Nomad
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If I somehow lost all of my characters, I would stop playing. Pure and simple.

But if I was somehow forced to keep playing, I'd remake my ranger (my main).
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Old Apr 11, 2008, 01:27 AM // 01:27   #98
Forge Runner
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well, i have put alot of time and effort into my 4 main characters, and even more on my very main. If i would get them all deleted my first attempt would be to remake my ranger in PVE, play alittle to realise i dont have the will to re-do it all over again.

at this point I would just get into PVP with all my unlocked skills, GW would be a pretty much new game for me since i dont PVP much at all, but i doubt i would re-make a PVE character and actually accomplish all that i did before, since i wouldn't want to invest all that time into pve again, i would just use what i have, if i wouldnt be able to get into PVP, i would just quit.
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Old Apr 11, 2008, 01:31 AM // 01:31   #99
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QQ for a while and try really hard not to buy GW2?

I mean if I lost all my chars because Anet didn't have enough security in place, why pay them for a second game?
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Old Apr 11, 2008, 03:02 AM // 03:02   #100
Desert Nomad
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Yea I'd remake my characters like they were.
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